By connecting Amelia to your NeonCRM account, Amelia is able to create and append NeonCRM records when you record your stewardship activites using the Amelia app.
Integration Overview
Amelia serves as a mobile front end to the NeonCRM data and method for recording donor activity while away from a computer by pulling updated donor and donation data on a daily basis. The user is able to reference donor information (name, address, contact information, and giving history) and create notes and activities regarding their interactions with the donor on their mobile phone. The notes and activities are then pushed back to the NeonCRM database in near real-time.
How to connect your Amelia account to your NeonCRM.
Send your NeonCRM API Key to your Amelia account representative
Need help finding your NeonCRM API Key & Org ID? NeonCRM Developer Center.
How long after an interaction occurs, does Amelia pass the data to NeonCRM?
Data is sent from Amelia to NeonCRM within seconds of recording your donor interaction in the Amelia app.
More to know:
Amelia does NOT overwrite existing data within NeonCRM.
Data types that Amelia creates in NeonCRM:
Activity Records
Fields that Amelia sends to NeonCRM:
Activity Records
- Subject
- Note
- Start Date/Time
- End Date/Time
- Activity Status
- Priority
Data types that Amelia retrieves from NeonCRM
NeonMoves’s system will retrieve donor information, activities, and donation history from NeonCRM to provide information on your donors within the NeonMoves app.
Fields that Amelia retrieves from NeonCRM
Basic Information
- First name
- Last name
- Street Address
- City
- State
- Zip
- Email 1
- Primary Phone Number
- Mobile Phone Number
- Twitter URL
- Facebook URL
- Website URL
- Subject
- Note
- End Date & Time
- Priority
- Start Date & Time
- Status
Donation Info
- Amount
- Date & Time
- Campaign
Support contact & help resources
To contact Amelia support with questions about the NeonCRM integration, click here.